“From Calais, with Love” is an innovative production based on real life, current events and is accessible to a wide range of audiences. Our take on the original West Side Story is modern, funny, and heart-warming and follows a tragic love story doomed from the beginning. With this single season story we offer viewers an insight into a relevant topic occurring at this very moment in time whilst still providing a fun, interactive performance each week.
We have incorporated many of the factors that made West Side Story so captivating such as current political and social problems, technical and entertaining dance and musical worksand an addictive love story that connects with all ages. With each episode ending on a cliff hanger audiences will be left longing for more and find themselves routing for the young lovers.
This production will provide a huge platform for us to share the aspects of The Refugee Crisis that many of us don’t get to see and hopefully inspire a change in how we view and handle the situation. We could spark a rise in unity within today’s society and encourage people to get involved in helping to contribute to refugees in need creating a positive buzz around our production and The Refugee Crisis.
Not only are we hoping to raise awareness and promote change regarding the social and political predicament we also hope to create and share an original and innovative production that presents the excellent quality of dance technique, performance and choreography we have achieved today. With the arts becoming more and more diverse audiences are open to experimental and abstract performances and we intend to deliver just that. We have created a unique and outstanding fusion of dance culture from early jazz technique to hip hop and commercial styles today. We have also studied and developed ethnically cultural dance styles to provide our viewers with a fresh and one of a kind musical experience.
You should fund “From Calais, with Love” because it provides so many public platforms for not only the serious current topic but also the development of dance and performance over the years to what we have achieved today. Our modern day West Side Story offers audiences a first-hand look into the ever changing performance industry and how far we have come. “From Calais, with Love” is an exciting and entertaining remake of West Side Story that successfully maintains all we’ve grown to love about the original whilst still bringing a fresh, flavoursome plot that audience all over will love.
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